Skillet Eggs with Tomatillos & Spinach

Skillet Eggs with Tomatillos & Spinach

This nutritious skillet dish showcases eggs cooked with a blend of spinach, herbs, and tomatillos. Top it off with a bit of harissa, a spicy chili paste, and use some toasted whole-grain bread to soak up the deliciously runny yolks.

Imagine waking up to the aroma of sizzling eggs, earthy spinach, and tangy tomatillos wafting through the air. As you groggily shuffle to the kitchen, your senses come alive at the sight of a sizzling skillet, filled with a vibrant medley of green goodness.

These skillet eggs with tomatillos and spinach are a feast for the eyes and the taste buds. The eggs are gently cooked in a fragrant mixture of fresh spinach, herbs, and zesty tomatillos, creating a harmonious blend of flavors and textures.

To add a touch of heat to the dish, a dollop of fiery harissa chili paste is spooned over the eggs. The jammy yolks are just begging to be mopped up with some toasted whole-grain country bread, which adds a nutty crunch to each bite.

With every mouthful, you feel nourished and energized, ready to take on the day ahead. These skillet eggs with tomatillos and spinach are not just a meal, but a sensory experience that will leave you feeling satisfied and content.


Ingredient Checklist

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

1 cup sliced spring onions or scallions

2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

1 jalapeño or serrano pepper, finely chopped

1 teaspoon ground cumin

8 ounces tomatillos or green tomatoes, chopped

8 cups chopped mature spinach

¼ cup water

½ cup chopped flat-leaf parsley

¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro

¼ cup chopped fresh mint

¼ teaspoon salt

4 large eggs

¼ cup crumbled feta cheese

Cracked pepper & harissa for garnish


  • Step 1

 As you heat up the oil in a medium skillet, you feel a sense of anticipation for the flavors that are about to unfold. You add the spring onions, watching them sizzle as they release their sweet aroma. You stir occasionally, careful not to let them brown, until they become tender and succulent.

Next, you add the garlic, jalapeño (or serrano), and cumin, watching as they release their fragrant scent into the air. The flavors mingle together in perfect harmony, each one complementing the others.

The star of the dish, the tomatillos (or green tomatoes), join the party and start to break down, infusing the skillet with their tangy and slightly sour taste. The aroma intensifies, and your mouth waters in anticipation.

To add a touch of freshness, you add a handful of spinach and water to the skillet, watching as the greens wilt and soak up the flavors of the spices and vegetables. You stir, ensuring that every bite is infused with the deliciousness of the dish.

Finally, you add the finishing touch, a combination of fresh parsley, cilantro, mint, and salt. The herbs bring a burst of color and freshness to the dish, and the salt ties all the flavors together in perfect balance.

As you savor each bite, you appreciate the complex flavors and textures that make this dish so delicious. With every mouthful, you feel nourished and satisfied, knowing that you've created something truly special in your own kitchen.

  • Step 2

As you crack the eggs over the bed of vegetables, you feel a sense of anticipation for what's to come. The eggs gently nestle themselves into the vegetable medley, their whites slowly starting to set as they cook.

You cover the skillet, allowing the heat to work its magic as the flavors meld together. The scent of the cooking eggs and vegetables fills the air, making your mouth water in anticipation.

After a few minutes, you remove the skillet from the heat, ready to add the final touches. You sprinkle crumbled feta cheese over the eggs, watching as it melts and blends into the dish.

The skillet is covered again, allowing the flavors to mingle for just a few more minutes. As you remove the lid, you're met with a delicious aroma that makes your taste buds tingle.

To finish the dish, you add a sprinkling of cracked pepper and a dollop of fiery harissa, if desired. The cracked pepper adds a touch of earthiness, while the harissa brings a burst of heat and flavor to the dish.

As you savor each bite, you appreciate the simplicity and yet complexity of the flavors in the dish. The creamy egg yolks mix with the tangy vegetables and salty feta, creating a taste sensation that's hard to resist. You feel satisfied and content, knowing that you've created a delicious and nutritious meal in just a matter of minutes.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 egg & 1/2 cup vegetables

Per Serving: 210 calories; protein 11g; carbohydrates 9.9g; dietary fiber 4g; sugars 3.8g; fat 14.8g; saturated fat 4.1g; cholesterol 194.3mg; vitamin a iu 7219.7IU; vitamin c 43.8mg; folate 181.9mcg; calcium 184.9mg; iron 4.6mg; magnesium 80.2mg; potassium 718.3mg; sodium 362.2mg.

Exchanges: 1 1/2 vegetable, 1 medium-fat protein, 1 1/2 fat

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